Legal Precedent for CRNA Practice
Legal Precedent Establishing Anesthesiology as the
Practice of Nursing began in 1917
"Anesthesiology is a recognized specialty within both the nursing and medical professions. The practice of anesthesia by a nurse constitutes the practice of nursing. The American Medical Association committee on nursing in 1970 published a statement recognizing that medicine and nursing share many overlapping functions. The statement pointed out that when a particular function was performed by the nurse it was the practice of nursing, and when performed by physician, the practice of medicine. State laws, rules and regulations, and court opinions confirm this fact. Many areas of practice, therefore are not the sole prerogative of either nursing or medicine, just as cure and care, the principal functions which give unique identity to medicine and nursing, are not mutually exclusive."
-Ira P. Gunn, , MLN, CRNA, FAAN, Joseph Nicosia, JD, Mitchell Tonin, JD, AANA Journal - April 1997 / Vol. 55 / No. 2
Chalmer v. Nelson 1917 - Legal precedent establishing anesthesia as the practice of nursing
Frank v. South - Legal precedent establishing anesthesia as the practice of nursing
Ira P Gunn - History of Nurse Anesthetists and the events that solidified "anesthesiology" as the practice of Nursing